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Why not try Revenge of the Lawn's new omnisex perfume?

Girls and Boys can stench like they've never stenched before with this new fragrance produced specially for Revenge of the Lawn!

You really ought to try it " 'cos you're fuckin' gorgeous!" You know you are and so do we. You don't want to smell like all the ugly people, do you? so buy a bottle today.

We don't think you're arrogant or obsessively vain in the slightest - in fact, we think it's your duty to be egocentric and to go round telling and showing people how gorgeous you are! They need to know, so help yourself to get across your rightfully self-obsessed message by buying a bottle of Revenge of the Lawn's new scent Because I'm Gorgeous™ today and let the smell do the bragging.

And remember,
a hysterical conceited outburst is only ever a dab away with
Because I'm Gorgeous™ .