Four gigs in three weeks, my we were busy. The gorilla is acknowledging the influence that the Bonzos had on some portion of The Waltons.

More gigs. I don't even know what month these are in. Did anybody keep a record? I can see a talking animals theme starting to develop here.

One of my favourite posters, this was one off 4 handouts for the same gigs (a triptych [err only with an extra one] then). I think these girls are actually Tommy Steel fans. It's amazing what you can do with a little tipex isn't it.

Ah…. The kind of gig that dreams are made of….
The plan was this. There was a biker convention at the Lakeside and the main entertainment was going to be The Mechanix (play Paranoid Terry!) who were to play in a massive barn a couple of miles away. Our job was to play at the campsite (presumably for all those that didn't like Sabaff (play Paranoid Terry!) or were too hung-over to make it up the road ), but at the last moment the weather turned nasty and the main gig was moved back down to the campsite where we were faced with playing to an audience of hundreds of mainly uninterested, pissed and antagonistic meatheads in black leather that only wanted to hear Terry play Paranoid. Considering the lyrical content of some of our songs it was deemed unadvisable to continue with the gig and the organisers offered us the opportunity to pull out with no loss of fee. After a meeting which I recall took about 40 secs we of course decided to play. The gig got off to an uneventful start with most people ignoring us and those who weren't throwing the occasional glass (plastic thankfully) at us, it was all a bit of an anti-climax. That was until one member of the band (who shall remain nameless) started berating the glass throwers for being useless shots, then all hell broke loose. There were people running around collecting as many glasses as they could and launching them one by one at the stage then coming back down to the front and picking them all back up again to have another go. Through all this I think the only people that got hit were Stu the roadie who was crouched down trying to fix Dreads drum kit, and Tony who had just put on his Rastafarian crash helmet when one hit him on the head. I remember getting a rousing cheer at the end of our set but this may have been for the organisers for providing an indoor shooting gallery as entertainment. How we laughed. I would love to see some photos of this event if anybody has got any?

Thats Enough Posters! Top! Give Me More Big Boy!