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The Aeroflapper Mk. 2 is made using a composite aluminium and balsa wood frame, covered in a hard-wearing two-tone 30% cotton 70% hemp fabric.

It is designed for two aeronauts and powered using a bicycle mechanism. The two pilots are required to pedal at a steady pace, thus causing the differential gearing to activate the off-centre drive shaft rod, which in turn communicates a reciprocating movement to the aerofoil. The aerofoil will flap violently but smoothly, thus giving forward momentum to the craft. Tests with a model have shown that this will help extend the glider's flight by anything up to 200% of a non-powered flight, depending on various factors such as wind speed, wind direction, air pressure, weight of pilots, fitness of pilots, bravery of pilots, the amount of bladder control exercised by pilots [known as Moisture/Fueslage Fabric Ratio], the amount of screaming made by pilots [Non-focussed Noise Index], willingness of pilots to drop into the sea for the good of Revenge of the Lawn.