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Please note I have removed the @ and any full stops from all email addresses on this page to try and fool the E-mail combines. If you want to email someone you will have to put these characters back in. | Click here to see Stats! |
Messages for 2004 | ||
2004 | ||
Dave Richings - 20 December 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Message: | No sooner said than done - herewith, electronically replicated in all it's 80's Xerox glory, is the press release from the Feet On The Street LP. |   |
Thanks Dave I will post this at the next available oppertunity (June probably)! |   | |
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Dave Richings - 15 December 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I think Tony should take the mystery option | ||
Message: | The dark secret I wish to confess is that I don't own a copy of The Waltons Story, but my copy of 'Feet On The Street' does have a cheesy press release with it. Do I get free tickets for The Waltons Christmas 2007 reunion show? Thought not... While the anorak is on... The 'Annika' soundtrack tracks are Ambition / Under The Thumb / Johnny / Control / Brown Rice / Cherry Pie / Afraid of the Dark. |   |
I'd be interested to see a copy of the cheesy press release. Can you email it to me? Of the three songs that arn't currently available for download: I have an early version of Under the Thumb (this is a practice tape that I think was done with a drum machine) and the first recording we ever did of Afraid of the Dark (this is the only version I ever liked of this song, no drums, quite fast). As for Control I'm surprised to realise that we never recorded that on the 4-track though I think I have a copy of "The New Waltons" doing that at The Greyhound and I know that I have heard a live version of the epic "William Burroughs" version that we did at the consort (for "epic" read "tedious") but that's probably festering at the bottom of Rob Dustbins wardrobe (can you help us out here Rob?). I don't appear to have any version at all of Johnny maybe Rob can help us out with that aswell? I wonder if that tape of the original "Annika" recordings still exists. The director was called Colin Nutley I will try and get in touch with him and find out. |   | |
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Maggs - 11 December 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I think Tony should take the mystery option | ||
Message: | Hi, Love the website, I stumbled here while doing a search on the mini series Annika, still much talked about among my mates 20 years on. Now I have a question for you, will The Waltons numbers performed on Annika be available as downloads in the near future? It would be great to hear these again in their entirety. I am fortunate enough to have retained my 20 year old VHS recordings of the Annika series now happily transferred to DVD and preserved for posterity, just as well as it's unlikely that this series will ever see an official DVD release. |   |
To tell you the truth I don't remember which numbers we did on Annika. "Johnny" was one and "Afraid of the Dark" (always a bone of contention between Tony and I) what else? Wasn't "Ambition" one? Anyway the actual recordings are unlikely to ever be released as they were done by the film crew's sound man on his trusty Nargra (if anybody has one of those they want to give me for christmas please feel free). It only took a couple of hours, we just ran through the songs until we got them right and they were happy. That was the last time we ever saw or heard those tapes. Some of the songs I will have other versions of but they are on my 4-Track (see many emails below) so you will see them at some point but don't hold your breath. |   | |
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Tony Walton - 06 December 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I don't care what Tony does. Who is he anyway? | ||
Message: | Soon I will have my very own email address by means of some electrotrickery that is beyond the comprehension of my fragmented brain. I felt the desperate need to confess that. . Now I can't rememember what I was going to say. Ah yeah, there never was a typed copy. Thas'all. Bye. |   |
Wasn't this tape what we used as a basis for those copies of "The Waltons Story" that we had on display at the "Feet on the Street" launch? I remember we did 4 or 5 copies. I thought Janette typed them up. I remember she put in 'stage directions' like "CHEESYBITS FARTS AND WAFTS IT IN OUR DIRECTION" I think we need to see a copy. Any body got one? There is also that interview that we did with Petra for her fanzine. What ever happened to her? |   | |
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Ian - 30 November 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I think Tony should take the mystery option | ||
Message: | Dave, do you know which 4 track you need? . Cos they dont all have the same head alignment. If you get the wrong one you may find that some tracks will only be played backwards (and improve them dramatically). Or track one will appear as track three etc . Think I may be able to blag a Tascam 244 if it helps. |   |
Track one appearing as track three wouldn't matter but running backwards??? surely shome mishtake. As it happens Harry from Mister Mushroom has promised me the loan of a Tascam, but if he doesn't come through I'll get back to you. Ta very much. |   | |
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Tony Walton - 28 November 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I don't care what Tony does. Who is he anyway? | ||
Message: | Send me your address 'cos I have found something that you may or may not find amusing, which I'll bung in the post for ya. |   |
Bloddy hell!!!! I can't have been that naive can I? Why are we all taking the piss out of Dread and (even wierder) being so nice about OBQ? Has the world gone mad? Have you still got a typed version of that? |   | |
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K & D Buckett - 26 November 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I think Tony should consider doing some recording with Mr Cheesyballs | ||
Message: | I remember when Elvis died you all laid down & cried & cried every empire needs a new king I,m good looking & boy can I sing.(not) Elvis is dead the big fat goof is dead dead dead. Best bass players of all time Mr Bits & Mr Blow Have you got any photos of Django Ratix I,m off to see a new band tonight at Ryde Castle 26/11/04 sound really good. a note for alan blow / alfi nokes ; nothing you say is funny or means anything. |   |
I suspect you are a bit pissed. |   | |
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O B Quiet - 13 November 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I think Tony should take the mystery option | ||
Message: | Opps! I meant DECEMBER the 2nd! |   |
It did cross my mind that it would be amusing to wait until December 3rd before posting your message but then I thought....I'm not that organised. It's a Thursday so I can't come but I think everybody else should go and then we can all talk about OBQ. Infact you could get everybody at the gig to leave a five word review of your gig here Owen. |   | |
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T Walton - 13 November 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I don't care what Tony does. Who is he anyway? | ||
Message: | Re- my last message. You are right. It was just one of those strange mood fluctuations. They happen. I apologise. Today I would really like to be a dung beetle. Ah, you found out. I am a secret multi-millionaire with a second home in Grenada. Well I did have until Hurricane Ivan blew it out across the Caribbean. Now I have some small pieces of splintered wood in Cuba Adios. |   |
So lets re-cap......you're a Granadian multi-millionaire who owns some Cuban sticks, can't keep a secret and wants to be a shit roller? |   | |
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Louise Martin - 13 November 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I don't care what Tony does. Who is he anyway? | ||
Message: | Tony Cornell makes me laugh! Abba are great! The Waltons were easily the third best band on the Island! I used to notice that Tony Walton always used to "dress to the left" far better than any other Island singer, before or since! I saw Crass on the Isle of Wight and they were great! How great? Well, see for yourself at http://freespace.virgin.net/abba.frea k/crass/isl.htm I was somewhat pissed off at the Garlic Festival: I got hit in the head by a stick of rock thrown out into the audience by the singer of The Bebop Dustbins. I could have coped with that, if the Waltons had then come on, but you bastards didn't!!! What happened? How can a generator break down??!! The Ice Cream Wars of the '50's! How that brought back memories! I remember Loris Valvona! I was in the same class as him. And he was right, "the famous ice-cream wars were very traumatic". My father ran a small ice cream business in the 50's in Sandown. He also had a man who wandered round the beach selling ice creams in summer. Dad was always complaining about being continually intimidated. The Caesars were definitely the worst [apparantly they still live on the Island but changed their name in the late 60's]. I remember him in tears recounting an occasion when thugs had pushed this employee up against a wall, strewn his ice creams all over the pavement and said next time they'd break his legs. My dad found it very hard to find people willing to work for him after that. Was it the Minghellas or the Neros? Who knows? Later on, we found the electric cables to our shop had been cut and some bolt cutters nearby. The fingerprints on them had been left on almost deliberately. Although they were certain of the perpetrators, the police seemed reluctant to act [or was it powerless?]. Nothing came of it. Soon after this, many businesses received notes saying it was "advisable" not to do business with my dad. The word 'advisable' was written in Italian and was known to be the Italain word for "advisable" but also had the alternative meaning of "fatal choice". My father closed the business after this. Being a girl, I was sheltered from this but I was told about it all in the 80's by an aunt. It's good to see people are finally feeling able to talk about it at last!! |   |
It's all very well saying that we were the third best band on the island but do you have any evidence to back that up? A generator can break down in many ways these include: Sabotage Mechanical Failure Electrical Failure A fault in the Fuel System Intervention by Supernatural Beings Other I spent a couple of summers working as an Ice Cream seller on Ventnor beach and was never threatened by menacing Italians with dodgy accents and cartoon mustaches. I have those that went before me to thank for that. I think maybe it would be appropriate to remember their sacrifice in some way. Perhaps we could have an emblem of rememberance in the form of a 99 that the thankful masses could wear? |   | |
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Chris - 11 November 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I think Tony should take the mystery option | ||
Message: | Don't know if its of interest but I have a tape of a whole Vandells gig in 1979 (June 13th ) they were one of my favourite bands in Brighton so I took a tape recorder in with me one night at the basement and just left it on the side taping.Its a bit distorted but clear enough.I also loved Smeggy and just cracked up when I downloaded Steven was a mod because I remember the words and have not heard it for 25 odd years.Do you remember a song about " I wanna be your hunch back baby?.I remember Smeggy getting his nob out on stage on a pier hastings I think, I also remember a band member playing George formby songs with the words altered in the vault . |   |
I never saw the Vandells, though The Depressions were the first band I saw when I arrived in Brighton, along with The Flesh, at the vault (my ears are still ringing). I stilll have a fanzine/programme from the gig, I shall dig it out (one day) and send a copy to punkbrighton. I don't have a version of "I want to be your Hunchback Baby" otherwise I would have put it on the download page. When I moved down to the Island after Smeggy and the Cheesybits I recorded a funk [or as close to funk as I could get] version of it with John Little from the Pumphouse Gang who later released it as the B side to his single without asking me (which I didn't really mind) or giving Smeggy a writing credit (which I think was slightly taking the piss). A couple of years later when I was in the Waltons we supported King Kurt and I told Smeg about this to which he said something along the lines of "We'd better get the bloody lawyers on to him then" but I don't think he ever did. I'm sure John would have mentioned it. That was the last time I saw Smeggy, probably 1984 or 1985. Smeggy was always getting his arse out, this was normal (see photos) though he normally only got his knob out at parties! As I recall he was incredibly late for the Hastings Pier gig, we were just on our way home when he turned up. Fortunately some kind band (Nicky and the Dots were headlining I think) let us have 20 minutes and I seem to recall it was a really good gig [by our standards]. I remember some body threw a cheese sandwich at me, most original, everything else was the usual assortment of fruit, vegtables, flour and shaving foam. The George Formby songs was almost certainly me. I've always been fond of the Ukulele and playing it infront of a heaving mob of bespiked gobbing punks just seemed like the right thing to do. Wasn't that the gig where I was doing the advert for our new product Rapid Smeg (a can of shaving foam with a new label stuck on it and the spout partially blocked so that the foam went a really long way) which kicked off all the throwing of flour/fruit/sandwiches at the band. I really enjoyed all that we used to encourage it in the Waltons as well and of course it spread to King Kurt when Smeggy joined them. It was so much more civilised than gobbing at people, though it was often a hell of a lot more difficult to clean off. |   | |
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Janette - 11 November 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I think Tony should consider doing some recording with Mr Cheesyballs | ||
Message: | Hello I just wanted to say that because Tony has not figured out how to set up his own email account he has been using my email and my computer. I don't really mind but PLEASE could you take my email address off your site (or at least change it so that email harvesters can't use it) - I don't need any Viagra, I wouldn't want to increase my penis size (even if I had one) and I have no intention of opening up a bank account so that some weirdo in Nigeria can rip me off. I don't know if you really do want The Waltons to get back together again or do some recording, but just remember I've been the one struggling to keep Tony Walton from falling apart for the past 20 years, while the rest of you went off and did your own stuff - like getting proper jobs?!? So will you please help me Mr Bits? Seriously I have enough aggravation in my life without having to deal with all this Spam. Thanks Janette :-) PS what ever happened to that bloke that used to play the keyboards? |   |
Hmm..how embarrasing, what with me being an "IT Professional" and all that. My only excuse is that I'm very busy and my ISP seems to have a really effective SPAM filter on it. When I first set up the reply form I put a spam filter on the target address (wich is embedded in the code even though you can't see it in the web page) and completely forgot about it. So because I never got any spam on this address I figured no body else would getting it either. After your email I went and checked on my account and I had about 50 spams in the last week waiting to be deleted so a big apology to anybody that has been receiving bolllox because of posting to this webpage. I have removed the 'at' sign from everybodies address though its's probably too late and will set up a new email account called rubbish cheesybits.com to see if this works. I'm told, by another "IT Professional" that these programs are pretty unsophisticated so this should do the trick. If you don't have any SPAM filtering at demon I suggest you set up a free account with someone who does (Wanadoo seem pretty good) and forward all your mail through that. As to the rest of your email: I don't have a proper job, I work in education. Don't you have a proper job? Or do you spend all your time changing Tony's colostomy bag. I don't know what ever happened to that bloke that used to play the keyboards. The last time I saw him you were there, remember he was the one that was telling you to shut up in your own house! P.S. A quick search of the internet releals two other incidences of your address on a website. |   | |
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O. B. Quiet - 10 November 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I think Tony should take the mystery option | ||
Message: | No I'm not ill, although the experience of being in the Waltons and thereby having to spend an inordinate time in the vicinity of Cheesybits has inevetably left a certain of mental scaring (an ordinate time to spend with CB is about 30mins...no more than that to be on the safe side). Also low level tinitus, but I blame dread and his cymbals for that. I think that it all may have damaged my brain but the trouble is that I can't remember what my brain was like before I damaged it (if indeed I did...)so I don't know if I damaged it or not. But any way I'm not ill. But I'm still inflicting my unique brand of folk-punk on the ears of the world (a few at a time you understand).Featuring an eclectic blend of self penned songs and a carefully chosen selection from some of the worlds best song writers,my next apperance is at the Nell Gwyinne in Southsea on Thurs. Nov 2nd. Hope to see you all there. |   |
Shameless plug Owen! But since it's now 12th of November I'll let you get away with it. Give me a bit more warning next time and I'll put your dates up, hell I'll even come along..........I need a good laugh! Ha Ha ! |   | |
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Tony Walton - 09 November 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Tony: I don't care what Tony does. Who is he anyway? | ||
Message: | It's late night and I've just been watching Deadwood, probably the only thing on TV worth bothering with apart from the Sopranos, and I was thinking not too seriously about doing some recording when I realised that what I really had a hankering for was to play live. I can hear you laughing from here in my Ryde bunker but I had to get it off my chest. Thanks for listening Dr.Dave. I feel much better now. Sorry to keep taking up so much of your valuable time. I'm really upset about John Peel. |   |
Gigging!!! Are you insane?.....Err actually don't answer that! Have you forgotton...well everything! Lugging equipment about while Owen eats peanuts and offers advice? Walking around the Island at three in the morning in the freezing cold sticking 250 posters on lamp posts just so two extra people come to a gig! The constant company of truculent manic depressives! The dilemma of recording on a small piece of string and having something half decent or going into the studio and letting some tit make you sound like Kajagoogoo. Have you forgotten that arse that said he could see us being the next Black Lace! How we used to throw out or make perfectly decent songs worse just cos we were bored with them. All the hard work that you'd put into songs just to have some one say its crap and refuse to play it (normally me)? Remember the times we did songs and I actually liked them and everyone else thought they were crap (rare that one)? Do you not remember the long, long periods of intense tedium, frustration and depression that filled the gaps between the occassional moments of pleasure? Frankly I'd rather play in the Be-Bop Dustbins, infact I think I probably would have been happier in the Be-Bop Dustbins when I was in the Waltons! Quite apart from anything else I just don't have the time to do that any more, I'd be lucky if I can find a couple of weeks in the summer to do some recording. On top of that I am a seriously crap bass player, nor is it an instrument that I enjoy anymore. My musical tastes have got increasingly wierd as I've got older and I would rather stab myself in the face than spend more than a few seconds in a room with.......whasisname....you know, that bloke on keyboards. Besides that and all the other reasons I've mentioned I think it's a great idea but ask Greg to play Bass will you? Yes I was shocked when I heard about John Peel too. There was some one who summed it up for me on the radio, he said some thing along the lines of "It never dawned on me that I'd ever be unable to listen to Peel on the radio." |   | |
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Jane (radley?) - 02 November 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | I left the IoW some time ago ... you have an Ottakars now? Such progress!!! haha! Yup, you're about right - Fleadh is a good old piss up - the year I went Killing Joke had briefly reformed and that's where I saw Darren ... with his mate Flea - did you know/remember Flea? He was a big KJ fan. It's held every year in Finsbury Park in London. I'm very disappointed not to be able to get Brown Rice to download - is there a problem with it from your side, or mine? |   |
Flea? No! I only just remember Darren Brown Rice should work now. The problem was an "R" instead of an "r". But thanks for pointing this out I don't get time to check it all myself. |   | |
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Jane (radley?) - 28 October 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | Wow! I am gobsmacked to find this website! I sometimes find myself still singing the bits of Black Leather or Brown Rice that I can remember ... and now I can download them - yippeee! I'd love to know what the Waltons are doing now - individually or together. And the BeBops - how bizarre! I had a few weeks (or was it months???) of fumbling around with Alan!! And his BeBop jumper was knitted by my mate Sue! What are the BeBops up to now - I saw Darren about 10 years ago at Fleadh in Finsbury Park. Kool! |   |
Where to start.... Firstly I'm glad you're gobsmacked and have downloaded. At least it means I'm not wasting my time here. Most of the Waltons seem to be ill (mentally or physically) but you can judge for yourself by reading the other postings (i'm not sure if this applies to Owen). I can't give you any news on Waltons Drummers as this would be a full time occupation other than to say that I see Tony Webb occaisionally and he still has the use of his legs. I've got a proper job which is a bit of a shock after 30 years. As for the Dustbins; I see Rick quite often (he works in Ottakars), and I know Rob is a teacher, but as for the others I've no idea! Perhaps Rob could fill us in? Whats a Fleadh? Sounds like the Irish for Piss-up. |   | |
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Tony Walton - 25 October 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | I played the guitar solo on 'Who's That'. I did not submit the message in Sept 2004 from GREGSON. 'Twas someone else. I haven't been psychotic for at least 5 years. But I am paranoid. Who could possibly hate me so much that they'd send such a message in my name and not include an Email address? Or perhaps the Mr Gregson that jointly inhabits my twisted mind along with the Mr Walton really did write it and I have no conscious memory of it. Should I,(A) go back into psychotherapy? Should I,(B) increase my medication? Should I,(C) consider doing some recording with Mr Cheesyballs,(one of the main reasons that I found myself in this psychotheatrical predicadementia in the first place)? Answers to this website. Vote now, A, B, C or D, (D being the mystery vote that only I or We Know or don't know as the case may be or not depending upon an infinite number of variables yet to be decided by a secret ballot sometime in the near future if there is one). I have much better recordings, unfortunatimetable they mostly don't have DC Bits on bass and my ego may be so overinflated as to make it impossible to allow you to put them on this website and bask in the two-bar-electric-fire glory that this would inevitably bring you, whoever you are. And the rest of you. Hi to Dave Richings. Haven't used any swear words, did you notice? So f**king what? You wanna make something of it? A little f**king irritating Tony Hart clay fucking Morph man perhaps? Or a BluePeter sex aid made from a skweeeezy bottle and STICKY-backed plastic. Mmmmm sounds good to me. My fingers hurt from angrily pounding the keyboard so I'm going now, but in the famous words of Arnie Shiteburger '..................................'. |   |
They do say that sincerity is the flattest form of imitation don't they. The fact that the contributor doesn't seem to know the name of.......whasisname....you know, that bloke on keyboards seems to suggest that he isn't you, but then at no time does the contributor say that he ever played in the Waltons. Perhaps he was a member of The OFF who changed his name to Gregson as a form of tribute to you. I've got loads of Waltons stuff without me on it as well, but none of it sounds as good with out me so I won't be putting it on the website. With the possible exception of the version of Hail Mary that you did at the Greyhound when .......whasisname....you know, that bloke on keyboards' keyboard was way out of tune. That always makes me laugh. |   | |
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O. B. Quiet - 10 October 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Message: | A rabid pig? with a kaazoo! up its arse? well Mr Gregson I feel that remark reveals more about your some what shaky grip on reality than the truth about my dynamic stage presence and the raw avante guard sounds that issued forth from my golden horn...When the rest of you would manage to tone the god-awful-over amplified-racket you made down suficiently for my contribution to be heard by anyone. And there still needs to be more pictures of me... Ally!...hello! back me up on this one please... |   |
I couldn't agree more Owen. Well said. Your sounding like a rabid pig with a kazoo stuck up its arse was entirly the fault of my dodgy production and cheap microphones. |   | |
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Tony Cornell - 16 September 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Message: | I must apologise for my long absence from your pages. I have been away in Europe for the last year or so. However, in the last month since I've been back, a disheartening observation has dawned inescapably upon me; an observation that I thought I might share with you and any reader who might stumble upon your website and remain long enough to read this. My sad observation is as follows: Did you know that, however mindnumbingly and tediously dull; however lamentably soulless; however monotonously colourless, unimaginative and uninteresting these modern young Island bands are nowadays, they are still far better musicians than yourselves and your peer groups were in the eighties (no deliberate personal attack or hurt on The Waltons and others intended). Admittedly your ilk could never be accused of being dull visually, creatively or performance-wise, but I do feel it needs to be said that these young popular music groups on the Island are far more proficient at playing their instruments than eighties bands!!! They are very tight when it concerns the beat and can play in a most versatile way, however much they try to hide this, whereas your lot were playing at the height of their abilities just to sound slightly better than ramshackle (the Bebop Dustbins are a classic example of this). I do realise that this issue concerns the question of two very different m usical cutures and attitudes and am aware that most young Island popular music groups are in fact awesomely sterile and far too overly serious. But, at least their guitar cables never come out by accident. And at least, they never start a composition with half the band playing a different song to the other half. And at least they don't make it up halfway through, etc. Live, they are thoroughly professional (although, admittedly, mindnumbingly tedious) but at least when I pay my money to see a grunge thrash metal combo, I am provided with a harmony of notes played in the right order and played with sober and grave precision, finished off with some sensible cheerlessness!!!! That is why the parents of young bands like to attend their offspring's concerts, whereas in the eighties attending parents were unheard of - like all decent parents like myself, they were too upset at the irresponsible and irreverent attitudes and noises produced by your sort of band! This is purely an objective observation, and not a spiteful criticism aimed at you and the other bands of the eighties. For proof of my good disposition towards these bands, please see my profession of belief in my writings on The Bebop Dustbins. your cordially, Tony Cornell. |   |
I feel the scales have been washed from my eyes! I could have saved myself all that hard work during the eighties. We could have just had a long rest and everyone could have listened exclusivly to Level 42 and Yes. |   | |
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Tony Walton - 11 September 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | Gobber!!! I remember the name but that's all. Was he a f**kwit when he played with the band? Laugh? I did. And loudly. Even deep down here in the subterranean gloom of my madness my humour buds were tickled. Thank you Gobber. I feel like I could probably face breakfast now. Gotta go. Medication time. TW. XXX |   |
I think we should stop taking the piss out of Gobber, he probably only wrote in in a moment of late night drunken foolishness. I think I know his brother, he's a nice bloke. I can never think of anything funny to say after you write in Tone because I have a vision of you tucking into a bowl of Shreddies with Largactol sprinkles on them and a spoonful of Lithium sprinkled on top for flavour. But then that's probably just my over active imagination..... By the way... fancy doing some recording sometime? |   | |
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Dave Richings - 10 September 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | I paid a three figure sum for those Oakwood tracks from Steve Gold (œ2.50). It's not for me to say if he declared it to the tax man - I did consider shopping him to the authorities, but I was 17 and frightened by the older generation. |   |
I'm sure a proportion of that money should go to Tony as publishing royalties (probably about 15p , 5p of which he will have to go back to Steve Gold since he owned the publishing company). |   | |
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Dave Richings - 01 September 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | Dear Mr Bits, Thank you for your recent invitation to peruse your refurbished website. Please excuse my slight delay in doing this, I took the liberty of being on holiday. Thus far, I have not displayed any disturbing side effects - well, no more than Milton Keynes people generally display. If you make any remark about concrete cows, I will steal a Chris DeBurgh CD from Woolies and send it to you. I've "burned myself" a Waltons CD today from your fine plethora of MP3s (a couple of the Oakwood tracks don't work). Steve Gold flogged me a copy of those Oakwood tracks years ago, but he did bung in a compliment slip (wonder how much that alone would fetch on eBay?!). The burning process in itself was a learning curve, but four CDR's later I am a fully fledged burner. It was also an honour to be called a 'regular contributor' to your site, having only made one previous posting and earned the title of 'poor sap'. An honour I carry with me to this day, which may explain why I don't have any friends. Still, enough of this sarcasm. What other MP3 gems can we look forward to?? Will the 'Annika' soundtrack be appearing? I have the dubious honour of owning a Walkman bootleg tape of a gig from Shanklin Pier in April 1985, sold to me by an unscrupulous IOW record dealer. I bet you're so pleased you re-vamped the site, only for sad fuckwit anoraks like me to contact you!! Waltons tape trading community, anyone?!?! Another Dave. |   |
I can't believe that Steve Gold sold you those Oakwood tracks! How much for? I bet he didn't declare it to the taxman! More mp3s will follow (when I get time) whether any of these will be by The Waltons will depend on whether I ever get my hands on a compatible 4-Track Cassette though. Other bands to be featured include Nab Funk, The Four Marys, Revenge of the Lawn, Dave Cheesybits and the Invisibles, anything that I've recorded recently and anything else that I come across that I think is interesting. Well done for using the Form on the new site, at least I know it works now. |   | |
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Gregson - 24 August 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | Please do NOT publish any more photographs of Owen Lee on this website. Playing with him was rather like having a rabid pig onstage with a kazoo stuck up its arse....... and as for that bloke on keyboards, plinky-plinky-plinky, grunt/groan rock'n'roll grimace at the crowd, how did he ever get away with that???? most of the time you could'nt hear him, and then, when you could, the f**king keyboards went wrong so you could'nt f**king hear him anyway....AND he was out of tune, the f**k. Just don't get me started on the rest of them, thats all. I've really had enough. |   |
Well that just about covers it. |   | |
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Paul Wayman - 11 August 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | I still play the Waltons now. I did speak to Tony about 5 years ago. I managed to squeeze some tapes out of him. Got a great version of Cherry Pie. Thers a definate album in there somewhere, albeit a bit on the dodgy (recording) side. I would love to see a reunion, a one off, big show. Every ex-pat would be there. Need to be bigger than the Ponderosa though. I was watching a couple of bands at Southsea last Saturday and I swear Dead Above The Neck was being ripped off. |   |
It probably wasn't Dead Above the Neck being ripped off, they were probably just ripping off the same song we ripped off when we wrote it. If you know what I mean.... |   | |
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Jane Again - 02 August 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | Nothing wrong with being a big ugly dyke who can't sing. I made a career out of it until I went straight, lost a stone and had a tuck. Now I'm a good-looking, slender heterosexual who can't sing. Which never did Rob Martin any harm. Ok, I'll do it, I'll write something, if only to force the others out of their fond, lilac memories of being in probably the only punkette barbershop quintet/octet/whatever12tetis, and get them to shout their furious denial of EVER talking about doing a Whitesnake cover. Once upon a time, there were two girlfriends, girlfriends of boyfriends in bands, boyfriends in bands who let girlfriends come to band practice and look bored. Yes, band widows. Apparently. I can't remember Lorna being there at the beginning but Rob says she was, so she was (sorry, Lorna, too much la la la) and I wish I could remember why she then wasn't, but we'll have to ask her to write that bit. Then there was Clare, who also then wasn't but in the meantime there was Jaq, Julie, Sarah and Penny. Who were there. Til the end. Jaq - handsome and could play the guitar. Julie - fairest of them all and sang like a choir boy Sarah - lovely Barker Barker who sang like a choir boy who'd been sacked for enjoying himself too much Penny, who played the cello like a double base and sang as well. Me - peroxide Lil with a hankering to be Julie Andrews on speed. First gig was probably supporting the Waltons, when there were a lot more of us than that on stage, including some people that nobody knew. We did Bing the Disco King (copyright: Bits) and the two that Rob wrote that I can't remember (Rob, what did you do to me back then? I've blotted you out) and we made the most godawful shite noise, culminating in a strangled trumpet solo, syncopated spoon rattling, kazoo chewing and David walking on stage to remove the tambourine from my hand. Mid-hallelujah. What a bastard. So, it couldn't get any worse. Or could it? Tune in next week for more mental fog, obliterated frontal lobes and fabrication. Jane |   |
Just what exactly did you have "tucked"? Actually don't tell me I don't want to know. |   | |
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Lynne Chinnery - 29 July 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | hi, hope youre all well. say hello to sean for me |   |
Hello Lynne............. hello to Sean. |   | |
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Me Again - 28 July 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | Cats photos - I've only got about 3, taken at the Wight Rock Festival, '85 - inside a tent ie. grainy, blurred, wonky. Maybe some of the other Cats have some? You're nearer to them than me. (I live in York now with my kitten). I've got an old Fostex X-15 Multitracker that you can use if you want it. I'm told it works (too much peroxide in the 80s means I've never figured out how to make it go). No cables, obviously. That would be too easy. Thanks for the Weed diatribe. It was quite interesting. Jane |   |
Unfortunately the X-15 runs at a different speed to my machine so it's no good. Thanks for the offer anyway. As for Cats stuff, its information I'm after, it doesn't even have to be accurate (have you read Tony Cornell's stuff on the Dustbins?). You were a very unusual band and you deserve a memorial, if only here. |   | |
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Jane Nee Doris - 27 July 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | Despite the fact I'm old enough to know better, I'm in a band and I want to cover Dead Above the Neck but smoked too much back then to remember anything more than the chorus. Where's the MP3? And look what I found: http://alt.venus.co.uk/weed/squatting/grimages/grcats.jpg |   |
Sorry this is one of the songs that I only have on four track which is a problem (see comments below). Email Owen he's got a copy of DATN. As for the picture, I have emailed "Weed" in the past and had a good look around his site. He was part of the squatting scene in SW London in the early 70's (now who's too old) and used to live in the (in)famous Grosvenor Rd in Twickenham. I don't remember him and he doesn't remember me but we had a lot of mutual friends. Grosvenor Rd was divided neatly into two halves. One end was all squats, the other was all rented or owned and bang in between the two halves was a police station. But the interesting (or at least relevant) thing about Grosvenor Rd was that in the first house (No. 7) in the kitchen was written "Cats Like Plain Crisps" on the wall, and this is the first place that anyone wrote this. It should by rights be a shrine. I used to know who wrote it but have forgotten . Later somebody wrote a long treatise about exactly which percentage of Cats preferred which type of crisps on the back of a road sign just down the road. After this it took of in all manner of ways, there was always a "Cats Like Plain Crisps" Freak Flag at festivals where all the squatters congregated and people just started writing it up everywhere. Aren't Hippies annoying. Blimey I think that's the most I've ever said to you. When are you going to provide me with material for the Cats Like Plain Crisps Website. If you don't I will just put up a big sign saying "Cats Like Plain Crisps were a bunch of Ugly Dykes who Couldn't Sing" or something equally childish |   | |
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Rob Martin - 19 June 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | Did you know we were "Newport Crooners"? I've heard my singing called alot of things but never crooning!!!!!! See http://www.pier2pier.org/sandown.htm |   |
I did'nt even know that you played at Sandown Pier, though if I'd consulted a reliable online rescource (your web site) I probably would have. Come to think of it you didn't live in Newport either did you? |   | |
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Ally2000 - 06 April 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | It's me again... still no tapes or mp3's sent to me of the Waltons. My boyfriend would like too hear them. So let me know if available. The Waltons would have made it bigger, if not stuck on the poxy Isle of Wight (where the dead go to die). I know, I've lived there. But now I'm back on the mainland and in touch with reality. Still not enough pics of Owen, he was cute when he had hair. Long hair |   |
Hello again "Ally" (whose postings always turn up suspiciously on the heels of postings from OBQ singing his praises and making unbelivable comments about his good looks). I have prepared a range of mp3s from the House of Cheese archive which are waiting to be uploaded (see comments below) but I am working now and realistically won't get around to it until the summer holidays. I do apologise. I also apologise to the people who run the Brighton Punk site about the links and Smeggy and the Cheesybits material that I promised over a year ago. Uploading of the site material has been further complicated by my accidentally making a 24 hour phone call the other day..is this a record?..I doubt it. |   | |
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No Name Given - 06 April 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | did you hear about the man who drowned in a bowl of museili? He was ...... |   |
I'm sorry, if you don't submit your name we are unable to publish your comments on this site. |   | |
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O B Quiet - 06 April 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | i wanna submit some pictures of mee... how do I do it? Ive got a copy of DATN I might get round to mp3ing it an submiting it if you tell me how to submit stuff.... |   |
You send me the pictures by snail mail (I will send you an email), then you sit around for ages while I get around to making them as small as possible and putting them in some kind of setting and uploading them to the web. I have been intending to build you a shrine surrounded by eastern religious symbols since your comments below about photos (yes I do think that passes for a good joke) but it's just finding the time. Also living in Ventnor I have an absolutley crap internet connection and my ISP naturally insists on my using their dial-up to connect to my site so everything takes hours to upload. I have all the masters of DATN on four track BUT NEED SOMEONE TO LEND ME SOME EQUIPMENT TO TRANSFER IT TO HARD DISK.....PLEASE.....ANYONE??? By the way, I think there may be moves afoot to change the name of my home town from Ventnor to "Ventnor - Home of the Mighty Bees (tm)" |   | |
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O B Quiet - 06 April 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | I don't know if anyone still comes here any more but I thort that I would add the following comments re Quiet life/OFF etc... I coined the name "Obligitory Freedom Foundation" as a joke.. I was well aware of the posibilitys of the acronim "OFF" In fact I had visions of crowds of groupies at the front of the stage screaming "We want to fuck OFF" this caused me considerable ammusement. They later abreveated the name to just "Freedom Foundation" I recently learned that the band was mistaken for a dodgy political group when they played in holland due to the name and recieved a bomb threat as a result! Tee Hee! I wanted to be the singer but the said that I was too ugly! I wanted to be Iggy Pop, they wanted to play pretty boy pop... |   |
Yes but in the real world you know they wouldn't be groupies, and they would be shouting "We want YOU to fuck OFF". But Holland...we must talk about that sometime especially about the "bitter end" of the Waltons |   | |
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Paul Fuller - 06 April 2004 | ||
Email : I am paranoid | ||
Subject : | ||
Message: | Hi, I was really bored searching the internet for news from Spitsbergen, the demise of Kissing The Pink plus some weird shit I'd rather not go in to, and some how came across your web site. Where's the link to Amazon.com so as I can buy a copy of your tape!! Mine got buggered, whilst trying to record it for a 'friend' back in 1991. No chance of you guys doing a Bands Reunited gig for VH1....Sorry Solent TV! Thanks, for the memory Paul Fuller |   |
Funny you should mention it...Last summer I actually approached other members of the band about doing some recording but Sean was being an irritating twat so nothing became of it. |   | |
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